PhiVerb Open Beta Test

PhiVerb Open Beta Test

Before PhiVerb can officially be released, it needs to see more than the handful of test environments that we have at hand. This is where you come in - become one of PhiVerb's first users by participating in the open beta test!

Welcome to the PhiVerb Beta test. Thanks for stopping by! We are giving out trial licenses to anyone willing to participate - no sign-up required. Respondents to our survey will receive a full license for PhiVerb Plate for free!

Here’s how it all works:

Step 1: Download and install PhiVerb

Grab your installer here or over at our detailed installation guide.

Step 2: Activate the trial license

On first launch, you will be prompted for an activation code. Here, enter


to unlock the plugin. The trial license will remain active until June 14th, 2024.

Step 3: Fill out the response survey

Be sure to enter your email address in the final field so that we can send you the full license details.

Your feedback is invaluable to us - especially if something didn’t work as expected. Alternatively, you can also reach us directly at contact(at)

What is PhiVerb?

If you want the full answer to this, then check out PhiVerb - an Overview. On a shorter note, PhiVerb a reverb plugin (VST, AU, AAX) whose key selling point is that it combines all the essential types of reverb in one plugin with a sound quality that can match the very best. This video gives you a closer look:

Soon it will be available here at

Social Media

If you don’t want to miss out on the final release, follow Orpheus Effects at any of the social media links below. Your support is much appreciated!